But if the opportunity arises, and if you feel comfortable, know there are occasions when being open may actually help you land a job you’ll thrive in. “You’d be surprised at what honesty and an optimistic view toward the future will get you,” Heath says. You are not required to disclose your mental health struggles to prospective employers.

By showing the employer that you have done the research and want to work for them, you’re more likely to get a job interview. Part of what makes a drawn-out job hunt so depressing is the feeling that you’re not making any progress and are simply waiting for someone else to change your job fate. The stress of a job search can also make people feel as if they overcoming job search depression don’t deserve down time, but working overtime and pushing to the point of burnout will only exacerbate feelings of isolation and negativity. This can have an impact on both your mental health and your job prospects, Mr. Witters said. While interactions with others may bring you some job leads, the bigger purpose is to feel connected to a broader community.

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Do some keyword research to ensure your application passes parsing software. And spruce up the top third of your resume to pique the interest of whoever reads it. Track where/when you applied, whether you’ve heard back, and the results. Even if you haven’t heard back, it still pays to do this. The hiring manager may just be inundated with work and forgot to touch base with you.

Care and support he needed during a very difficult time. The support provided during his 6-week stay was very effective. His assigned therapist was excellent and provided the appropriate personalized care and treatment he needed. It’s easy to get dispirited and avoid social interactions, but they’re good for you.

What can you do to prevent depression from affecting your job search?

Platform Overview Transform your enterprise with the scalable mindsets, skills, & behavior change that drive performance. If not losing weight, make it a goal to gain muscle or both. Go to YouTube and look for household or playground workouts.

how the job search can cause depression

Instead of getting wrapped up in “what if” thoughts, stay positive and pay attention to your thoughts and feelings and thoughts in the present. Age discrimination against older job seekers is an unfortunate reality for so many. https://remotemode.net/ If you’re an older worker on the job hunt, knowing your resources is vital in helping you navigate the job market. DiversityJobs helps older workers by providing a specific community page with career advice tailored to you.

The power of positive thinking

“I tell my clients, first and foremost, to have patience with the process and make sure your expectations are realistic. Your entire professional life right now is focused on finding a new job, but the recruiters, hiring managers, people in your network — they aren’t on the same timeline you are. Try to strike the balance between timely follow-up and constant pestering, because you can risk alienating people,” she says.

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